Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 542 8.60 Legalist Assassins in Action (2)

Chapter 542 60 Legalist Assassins in Action (2)

Holding his breath and concentrating, he embedded his entire body behind the stone beams. read

At this time, Loki couldn't help but admire Old Hash.

Entering the Lunt Oasis, he followed Old Hash to the market. While chatting along the way, Old Hash inadvertently revealed his doubts about the identity of the brothel owner "Heath Blanccher".

Old Hash has been in Constantinople for more than forty years.

During this long period of time, he met too many Roman merchants. Frankly speaking, except for his somewhat bland performance when facing the corpse, Heath did not show any signs of weakness.

But the strange thing is precisely because of his "normality".

He looked too much like a Byzantine merchant.

If the bachelors were compiling a dictionary and wanted to add an example after the word "Byzantine merchant", Heath Brancher of the Hashemite Gang would be the perfect choice.

In every aspect, he conforms to the popular stereotype of a sophisticated Byzantine merchant.

Rather than being a businessman, he is more like the actors playing businessmen in the Grand Theater of Constantinople.

But Old Hash is a person who observes the things around him meticulously. It is precisely by relying on this unique ability and the caution deep in his bones that he can survive on this dangerous road to this day.

The most people he has seen in his life are all kinds of businessmen.

Real businessmen are often diverse.

Some are lustful, some are timid, some are married but secretly like men, and some know they are overweight but still love food.

Their profession is "businessman", but in the real world, real businessmen often want to take off this label.

They may hope to be closer to a noble or commoner.

It’s all about making their target audience feel more like “this guy isn’t trying to make my money, he’s just my friend.”

Heath seemed easy-going, but for more than 20 days with the caravan, he deliberately kept a distance from everyone at all times.

While at the roost, he would hand out prized cigarettes to porters but would not sit with them.

Seeing that the maids had a hard time doing laundry and cooking, he would also order his subordinates to help, but they would always work in their own way.

Since leaving Memphis, Old Hash has spent the past twenty days in extreme anxiety. When people are anxious, they tend to carefully examine everything around them. When observing everyone around them with a magnifying glass, they will inevitably discover more. flaw.

After a battle with the "Crescent Chamber of Commerce", Loki has completely won the trust of Old Hash.

This time when he entered the Scorpion Tribe, when he heard Heath Brancher saying that he would lead his men to stay at the hotel, he had already paid attention and wanted to secretly investigate the origins of these people.

Normally, this task should be carried out by Abdullah Sah, the security captain of the caravan. But considering that if they were a group of high-level chosen ones using their identities as businessmen as a cover, Sahe might not be their opponent.

Finally, he decided to leave the task to Loki to see what they looked like when they were left unattended.

Frankly speaking, Loki didn't see any clues along the way.

In his last life, he was a well-behaved social animal, living a boring life of three points and one line of work every day.

But in this life, his men were all strong Viking men who wielded big axes and fought bloody battles. He had very limited contact with high-level businessmen. Out of his instinctive fear of the well-dressed male sissies, he would always subconsciously choose to stay away from Heath.

I casually agreed to the job, but I didn't expect to lurk among the rafters and actually get a good harvest.

In Akhenaten's magic shop, what Old Hash thrust into Loki's hand was a bottle of "wolfsbane magic".

Jackals in the desert have a unique ability to hide, which stems from the elemental power hidden in their blood.

The magic essence made by the poison quencher using "Jackal's Blood" can suppress the temperature and spiritual energy fluctuations emitted by the human body to a great extent. After applying the magic essence all over the body, as long as Loki holds his breath, no one can notice it. His whereabouts.

He hides in the rafters and can act like a real rock.

There is no breathing and no temperature.


"Miss Xue Fei, please don't worry, your friend just passed out."

"I didn't harm her life."

In the room below, in sharp contrast to the calm maid, Concubine Xue was still tense. In a flash of light, she approached the tall and thin servant woman as fast as a cat with explosive hair, and raised the thin knife just to stab her neck.

This man read out the secret passwords in the Legalist school that only the instructors could master without hesitation.

This calmness alone has surpassed all the opponents she has faced before.

Slowly lowering her raised arm, she first stretched out her hand to sniff the green eyebrow's breath. After making sure that she still had breath, she put away her swords and saluted respectfully to the mysterious man.

In medieval times, secret societies often operated secretly in the games between great powers. Among all secret societies, the "Volcan Cult", which opens temples and recruits followers, is the most high-profile.

The Illuminati could have been hiding in the shadows for a long time, but Loki's emergence completely exposed the lizard people wearing human skin to the world.

When the eyes of all the kings were attracted to them.

No one noticed that the Legalist school, which had long been hidden in the shadow of Confucianism, had secretly expanded to such a scale.

In a sense, the Legalist school was the most successful secret society in the Middle Ages. Before coming to power, they had been operating secretly in darkness for hundreds of years.

Members of the Legalist School are secretly hidden in different corners of each continent, so much so that even in the depths of the uninhabited black desert there can be a mentor-level lurker.

With extremely strong self-confidence, elusive behavior, and a strange face in the gloomy dusk and flickering candlelight, all of this person's actions are in line with Concubine Xue's understanding of a "Legalist mentor."

Judging from the passwords she spoke, her rank within the school was far above that of Concubine Xue. After putting away her swords, Concubine Xue knelt down in front of the servant woman, just like she did when she first entered the Assassin Academy in the mountains and met her instructor for the first time.

"There are various rumors about your abilities within the school. When I see them today, they are not false."

"It seems that all the arrangements I made for you along the way were basically in vain."

As soon as these words came out, Concubine Xue immediately understood what the instructor in front of her was referring to.

According to the original plan within the Legalist School, after the Crescent Chamber of Commerce defeated the 'Hengcheng', the next step for Xue Fei's team was to follow the Crescent Chamber of Commerce into the desert and kill all the members of the Crescent Chamber of Commerce before entering the Lante Oasis. Massacre and find your own guide to complete the final journey.

Loki's appearance in the Hash Horse Gang disrupted all plans.

The Hash Horse Gang became the final winner. Xue Fei's team in Memphis temporarily changed their formation, and the Legalist mentor who was observing everything secretly also quickly changed his strategy.

The maid reached into her arms and took out a thin letter made of wood pulp paper.

There is no writing on it.

"Part of the next phase of tasks arranged by 'above' will be dictated by me, and the other part cannot be known due to my authority. You can only check the secret message in person."

“The school needs you to continue to perform the Illuminati initiation ceremony and send the Eastern Continent girl to the Mbia Oasis.

During this period, the right minister needs you to continue to lurk among the Hash Caravan!

After internal research within the school, it has been decided that the 'King of Paris' Loki Starrag can also become part of the mission. We have secretly deployed the Legalist disciples lurking in the Mbia Oasis. They will be responsible for picking up you and completing the mission. Next steps. "

Concubine Xue nodded.

There is a strict hierarchy within the school. In order to maintain the good operation of the secret society, everyone must unconditionally obey the orders of their superiors. She is the leader of the team she leads, but in front of her mentor, she must be a pawn who obeys orders.

"The last part of the mission is to enter the Temple of Anubis. I need you to follow the Styx priest into the temple. You can rest assured in this step.

If the Stygian Priest asks you to hand over the girl to him, do not refuse.

Mr. Right Prime Minister asked me to tell you that you can rest assured that the Styx Priest who is contacting us is one of ours. "

"Does he have any facial features?" Concubine Xue asked.

This is a very simple question, but the Legalist tutor opposite Concubine Xue was silent for a long time.

"The academy has never arranged for the two of us to meet, so the official statement should be that I have never seen the face of this Styx priest."


I also have my own hidden stakes.

Your right minister has arranged for me to enter this desert for so long, and I have a hunch that all these arrangements are for your arrival today.

The school attaches great importance to this action, and even takes it so seriously that it can deliberately downplay its existence if necessary! "

The instructor sighed slightly sadly.

At this point, Concubine Xue was completely sure that this person was definitely not a free citizen of the Black Desert.

Under this layer of skin, her true identity should be that of an Eastlander.

"The Styx priest you are connecting with has a very conspicuous feature."

"No matter where she goes, she will always carry a large, simple-looking ax on her back!"

"Her name is Sophie Starrag!"

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