Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 294 6.42 Negotiation (2)

From the perspective of a Viking pirate, Ivar's strategy is indeed correct.

For thousands of years, the Viking pirates were able to roam this continent all over the world because of their high mobility.

After landing, this group of powerful warriors were like a swarm of flying locusts, killing and plundering everything while moving at high speed.

Ivar's tactics officially implement the ancient Viking training to the extreme.

He is not only a successful businessman, but also a powerful warlord who has studied and thoroughly understood the "way of plunder" passed down from his ancestors.

But his goal was not what Loki wanted.

Loki has only three purposes for this trip.

1. Obtain a piece of land on the fertile English Isles.

In this way, he could permanently escape the rule of the Viking kings.

2. Kill Ecbert.

In this way, the Seven Nations of England, which has lost its backbone, has degenerated into a piece of disorganized sand.

3. If possible, use all means to kill Ivar O'Sullivan.

In this way, he can safely take the "Asgard Portal" into his pocket.


They wanted to acquire land so that their people could live in the English Islands forever for generations to come.

Don't do things too far.

In his last life, Loki, who was born in the Red Kingdom, had a deep understanding of how powerful the word "people" could be in a war. When a large number of people are forced to have no way out, the power they unleash cannot be compared to the "army" or "mercenaries".

No matter how dark and bloody, life will always find a way to survive.

The method of looting like Hummel Blood Pigeon last summer simply left no way for the English to survive. You must know that this country does not live in a barren and cold land like the Vikings.

There are at least 3 million English families living in the fertile English Islands.

The population of Mercia alone exceeds 1 million!

In the face of such a huge population, even if all of the 5,000 Viking warriors under Loki were gods, they would not be able to subdue them with force.

To live in their land, he must learn to cooperate with the Mercian royal family.

When Elizabeth heard about the Viking King's robbery plan, she almost lost her grip on the bottle. All this was naturally seen by Loki. He made a secret gesture to Princess Mercia to calm down, and then spoke slowly.

"Your Majesty, shooting the man first and the horse is only half a sentence. The second half of this sentence is called 'capture the thief first and capture the king'!"

"The reason why the Vikings can be called 'Vikings' is precisely because of you as their king. Similarly, the reason why the seven countries of England can form an alliance is all because of the powerful Wessex."

"We have now landed on their land and successfully won the first battle. With this rare opportunity in a thousand years, we should take down Southampton in one go! In this way, the seven nations of England will be leaderless and will inevitably fall into separatism and civil strife again. among!

This is the fundamental way to maintain long-term peace and stability. Otherwise, by simply robbing a circle without dealing a fatal blow to the bandit leader, we will only unite these English miscellaneous hairs like loose sand more closely together! By that time, the energy they can unleash will simply not be what our small population of 7 Viking provinces can contend with. "

Conversations between smart people can never be based solely on superficial meanings.

The reason why Ivar was able to send troops to help had only one purpose, and that was to get back the "Asgard Portal" key in Loki's hand.

But from the moment he entered Wanghai Fortress, he said nothing about it, and instead showed a sincere cooperation attitude.

What is discussed every day is the next troop dispatch plan.

Of course Loki knew what kind of person this man was under that delicate skin, so he also had his own plans.

The best way to win this war is to let the enemies kill each other.

Among them, the most ideal choice is to let Ivar and Ecbert fight each other. This allows him to complete Objective 2 and Objective 3 of the three objectives at the same time.

one stone two bird.

It's a pity that Ivar is not a hot-blooded and ignorant fisherman. Growing up in Constantinople, he was familiar with the intrigues between monarchs.

Although Loki cited scriptures and Akatsuki used reason to move his emotions, the old fox still had no intention of sending troops. The two had major differences on the next battle plan.

They have been stranded in the dilapidated Wanghai Fortress for seven days.

During these seven days, the British coalition forces suffered heavy losses, and almost all the troops fled back to their own territory. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that now is a good time to take advantage of the victory.

They can't wait any longer.

After a day of talks that didn't produce any real results, Loki walked back to the penthouse suite step by step along the outer wall of the broken castle.

The bloody Creator's body, which appeared in the blood mist after traveling through time and space to avoid obstacles, had destroyed most of the fortress and did not disappear until the sea breeze blew away the blood mist. At this time, the western sun shone on a ruined wall, reflecting the unusual loneliness of the body climbing the fortress.

In order to prevent the Mercian king "Ulysses Elam" from being massacred by unknown Viking warriors, he still imprisoned the old man at the top of the castle.

Princess Elizabeth once asked him why he didn't let his old father return to Oxford if he regarded the two as allies. Loki looked at her as if she were a fool. It wasn't until the girl involuntarily hugged her straight chest with her hands that he shook his head and said, "Go and ask your father if he is willing to go back."

The girl really asked and understood the meaning.

If the two of them returned to Oxford at this time, they would definitely be killed by their uncle "Prince Lancelot". After being captured by the enemy for so many days, Lancelot had already negotiated with the lords of the major provinces of Mercia in the city of Oxford on the "price" for supporting his rise to power.

Now, all he needed was the body of "Ulysses Elam."

As long as he has this body, he has 100 ways to shirk the cause of death to Loki in Wanghai Fortress, and then legitimately inherit the throne.

Many times, it is not the enemy who wants you to die, but happens to be your close comrade-in-arms.

Even relatives.

Growing up in the prosperous and prosperous Constantinople, Ivar certainly understood this truth, so he very cleverly avoided Loki's suggestions and personally implemented the training passed down by his ancestors for thousands of years: We are just a group of bandits.

We always bully the weak.


(This man must have figured out that I wanted to secure a piece of land in the English Isles. So he deliberately adopted this bandit strategy.)

(Perhaps he also understands that I will not hand over the key to the "Asgard Portal" to him easily.

So he needed time to torture me slowly. )

(As long as I am trapped in Scandinavia, that is his territory, his home court. He can make my life worse than death in ten thousand ways, and finally I will obediently hand over the portal key to him.)

(So ​​his tactic was to massacre the 7 countries first, which completely eliminated the possibility of me staying here.)

In calm solitude, Loki figured out the logic behind "Ivar's proposed alliance."

It has to be said that "Viking King" Ivar O'Sullivan is the one most similar to the military strategists in the textbooks. This person has a clear purpose, quick thinking, and a deep understanding of how to control people.

However, he is another powerful enemy that he must face.

It is completely unrealistic to expect him to fall into his own trap like a stupid pigeon.

This war is far from over.

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