Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 295 6.43 Negotiation (3)

Two days later, the two men, unable to convince each other, decided to split up their forces.

This was a taboo for military strategists, but Loki had no choice.

At the base of the city wall, he bid his final farewell to the Viking king.

"Your Majesty, time and history will tell you that my choice is correct!"

"It is true that Wessex is extremely powerful, but there are always people who want to be the warriors to slay the dragon. I am willing to clear the way for the king to act as a vanguard. When I cut off all Ecbert's followers, when he becomes weak, I believe that, You will definitely be able to seize this once-in-a-lifetime offensive opportunity.”

After 2 days of careful consideration. Loki decided to attack Wessex alone.

First of all, he must not follow Ecbert.

Following him along the way to plunder seems to make a lot of money, but once he returns to Scandinavia, he will immediately become a soft persimmon for him to knead at will.

Secondly, he could not fight Ivar in the English Isles.

Although he lost a lot of men in the charge after landing, he still had as many as 7,000 saber-tooth mercenaries under his command.

Even if Loki can win, it will be a tragic victory. He will be immediately destroyed by the English coalition forces who arrive for reinforcements later.

In this case, he could only attack Wessex alone.

Wessex is as wealthy as the other six kingdoms combined. He knew that as long as he made this decision, Ivar would definitely wait and watch from behind with the mentality of "the mantis stalks the cicada while the oriole follows."

First of all, he couldn't let Loki die. Because the key to the portal into Asgard is still in his hand.

Secondly, he must have some illusions about Loki's fighting ability.

You know, Wessex is a wealthy country that can afford to raise dragons. There are only a few lords with such national power in the entire Western Continent. If Loki can really fight with this country to the detriment of both sides, with Ivar's ability to seize opportunities, he will definitely stretch out his fangs and bite him hard.

Just like Hummel Blood Pigeon who harvested the battlefield in the "Battle of Hanshui Village" at the end.

Although he wears brocade clothes, speaks elegantly and is well-informed, this man is still essentially a pirate leader.

This is a gene that goes deep into his spinal cord, an ancestral imprint that he cannot erase at all.

In Loki's plan, it was naturally the best idea for him to go on an expedition with him. However, this man very wisely chose to avoid the fishhook, and now he could only settle for the next best thing.

As long as Ivar is still in the game, he is not at the point where he needs to admit defeat.

"Brother Loki, I admire your bravery. Since you have decided to spend everything you have to expand the territory for my Vikings, I won't say anything more."

"You are a warrior that Odin admires. All the gods in the Hall of Valor and the ancestors of the Starrag family must also be staring at you in the sky. I sincerely wish that your seemingly stupid decision will bear fruit."

“May you and I both be able to see the fruits of this fall’s harvest.”

Outside the city gate, Ivar, like every king who wishes his beloved generals to go into battle, uttered polite words of blessing for a prosperous military career. Loki nodded his forehead and accepted them all.

He could see all the Viking warriors looking at him with respect.

It's like looking at a hero heading towards destruction.

"Duke Loki, the gods in the Hall of Valor must be watching you. I will gaze at the stars in the sky, just like all the warriors in the Wolf Creek Land will gaze at your axe."

"Wishing you a perfect hunt!"

The Duke of Wolf Creek, "Kask Wolf", stretched out his big hand and hammered his chest hard. Beside him, a huge dire wolf, as tall as a person, looked up to the sky and roared.

Behind him, two thousand wolf knights spoke in unison to see him off.

The lord of the "Gulfland", "Warnar Stacker", who was separated from the valley by a mountain range, handed him a cannon barrel that could be fired after being pulled. As the best shipbuilders among the Vikings, the "Gulfland" has the largest shipbuilding yard in Scandinavia.

More than half of the wood produced in the forest farm in Wuya Town is sold to the shipyard under Warner every year. Therefore, the Duke and Loki can be regarded as old acquaintances.

"My dear friends, be sure to leave a few sparks and bring your stories back to the Vikings in the Gulf!"

"At any time, as long as you evacuate to the coastline and pull towards the gun barrel, the 'ship slaves' hidden near the coastline will definitely pick you up and try to bring you back safely!"

The last person to step forward was Tulav, the Duke of "Sky Island" in the four northwest provinces of Tianduan Mountain. This is the smallest of the seven Viking provinces, and the area where they live is also in the frozen sea in the far north.

The frost people are not a race that likes lotus flowers. He looked at Loki silently, and finally handed him the ax in his hand.

Ivar looked at all this indifferently.

No Viking could resist a death as brilliant as fire. This is the survival principle he has instilled in all "Sabertooth mercenaries" since childhood. It is precisely because they believe their lives should be like this that Loki and his 5,000 warriors are like gods in their eyes.

With everyone watching, Loki left Wanghai Fortress. He headed south to Wessex in southern Mercia.

After just walking dozens of kilometers and confirming that the saber-tooth mercenaries had disappeared from his sight, the first thing Loki did was to walk to the prison car at the end of the team, open the cell door and imprison all the English nobles and Several kings and nobles captured from the apple orchard were released.

"My dear friends from England, you must also know that if I execute you here and your kingdom falls into civil strife, it will alleviate a lot of trouble for me."

"But it just so happened that I didn't want to do that today."

"Today is your lucky day"

"I will temporarily detain you in a special place. You will enjoy humane treatment here until this war is over."

Later, Loki took out the "bloody stone statue", opened the portal, and put them into the "Sinking City".

Last autumn, almost all the Vikings had taken refuge in the sunken city. So many people knew this secret that it no longer needed to be kept secret.

"I promise you that by the time you walk out of this city here, this war will be over."

"When you show up here, I will capture Ecbert and gather your 'family' together neatly. By then, Wessex will have been beaten to the point of collapse by me. You can do whatever you want." Revenge when there is a grudge, and revenge when there is a grudge.”

"You will call me 'Loki the Generous'!"

"Because I know that Ecbert has been riding on your neck and showing off his power for many years!"

The prisoners of war entered the portal together in a long line. Loki did not put them in chains. Because if you want to escape from the submerged city, the only way is through the portal.

"Oh, by the way, a friendly reminder, don't wander around after entering this city. Especially don't look far into the 'sky'."

"If you don't listen to my advice and you will have nightmares in the future, don't tell me that I don't have the body shape."

Of all the hostages, he only left Ulysses Elam and Elizabeth with the army.

At this point, Loki looked towards the unknown mountains to the south and knew that he had completed all the work within his power.

The dice have been thrown, and no one knows what the final number will be.

But by chance, that's what happened.

At this point he had no choice but to go against the wind.

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